"We have used Kinzie Search Partners for more than 15 executive searches over the past 10 years and will continue to use them in the future. They take the time to understand the real needs of the position and the type of person who will be successful. Kinzie Search Partners has consistently delivered well-qualified candidates suitable for the position and take the time to thoroughly pre-screen these candidates.
We strongly recommend Kinzie Search Partners and look forward to working with them in the future."

- Managing Director, Middle Market Private Equity Firm

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Kinzie Search Partners is a retained executive search firm focused on exceptional service and long-term client relationships. We have advised the top management of some of the world's best-known companies on their senior leadership needs.

Our consultative approach to executive search has earned us both respect and access to leading executives across a broad range of industries. Practices are structured by industry specialization, enabling consultants with specific industry knowledge and experience to identify the best candidates swiftly and effectively.

But our difference goes beyond our areas of expertise and sector specialization. We deliver greater value than any other search firm because of our seamless executive network, exhaustive search process, state-of-the-art technology, and commitment to successfully completing each assignment to our client's satisfaction.

Meet The Founder

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